Welcome to CinapseCinapse is a combination of the words cinema and synapse. This title embraces the scope of our magazine. A synapse is a connection between two nerve cells that transmits impulses. Likewise, our magazine connects popular cinema to its cultural context, allowing readers to make discoveries about the relations between popular film and culture. Of the many film magazines that exist today, none of them have attempted to be this socially responsible. Our magazine seeks to expand reader’s minds and interests. By doing so we hope to create a pop-culture whose knowledge of film extends beyond that of the newest release to literature, art, cultures, technology, other quality films, and more!

Cover Article:

How much can one film influence the world? Avatar employed elements of media, cultures, and technology in its making it has, in turn, influenced all of these areas. This article presents how Avatar has been influenced by and influenced the world by discussing the inspirations, creation, cultural impact, and content of the film. 

Inspirations and Connections: 
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Sam Hansen delves into the novel, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, by Robert Louis Stevenson and its numerous film adaptations. Explore the original intent and inspiration of the author in comparison to adaptations produced by “a changing, film-centric society”.

An Affair to Remember

Jenny Dalton explores connections between An Affair to Remember and the movies that stem from it. Discover this romance classic and its must see modern adaptations. Sleepless in Seattle, for instance, captures the reminiscence of this classic black and white film while splashing modern romance and humor into the mix. 

Alice in Wonderland

Sierra Loudon explores several pop culture re-tellings of the Alice in Wonderland story, and examines the role Tim Burton's latest version will play in shaping audience's experience with the beloved children's classic.

Contrasting Reviews: 
Where the Wild Things Are

Jeanette Snyder and Kat Harvey give contrasting reviews of the film version of this children's favorite. Read their reviews and decide whether seeing the film would be money well spent or whether you should spend your hard earned cash elsewhere. 

Cultural Impact:
Hotel Rwanda

Kimberly Sadovich writes about the cultural impact of the film "Hotel Rwanda", exploring how the film has affected audiences and encouraged aid for those caught in the struggles of South African tribal wars.

Star Trek

Leslie Harris looks at the cultural implications of Star Trek in America. During the 60's and 70's Star Trek quietly helped calm racist and Cold War hostility as well as inspiring a plethora of other technologies and people.  

Conception and Creation: 
Fantastic Mr. Fox

Elise Winks relates the Stop Motion Animation used in Fantastic Mr. Fox to a normal live action film. A whole miniature world was created to make this film— a miniature set with miniature props.  Learn more about the meticulous process that brought Fantastic Mr. Fox to life.